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Failure to Pay Overtime a Problem in Texas Oil and Gas

It may be common industry practice to pay oil and gas field workers a fixed daily or weekly rate, but workers are still entitled to overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours in a week.

Unfortunately, many workers are not aware of their right to overtime pay, and it often takes legal action to make oil and gas companies pay what they owe. If you think you may be owed overtime pay, contact a Houston overtime rights lawyer to learn more about your rights.

Failure to pay overtime is widespread in the Texas oil and gas industry.

In most labor-intensive professions, workers are paid by the hour. But in the oil and gas fields of Texas, fluid drilling engineers and other workers are commonly paid by the day or by the week.

In a practical sense, the problem is twofold:

  1. Oil and gas companies are failing to pay the required overtime rate of one and a half times the regular rate of pay for each hour worked over 40.
  2. Employees and independent contractors are busy working hard, and many are simply not aware that they are owed significantly more money than they are receiving.

In fact, AES Drilling Fluids, which is based in Houston, is currently being sued by two drilling fluid engineers -- an employee and an independent contractor -- for alleged overtime pay violations.

The workers say they were paid a day rate but are still owed overtime pay.

The case is the latest in a string of similar cases.

Know your rights. Get the overtime pay you deserve.

An experienced overtime rights lawyer can listen to your concerns, get an understanding of your situation, and explain your legal options. The key is to take the first step and get qualified legal advice.

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