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October 2016 Archives

Courts act to extend workplace protections to LGBT employees

Societal attitudes toward the LGBT community have been evolving, but efforts to protect gay and transgender workers in Texas and around the country from on-the-job discrimination and harassment have repeatedly been stymied in Congress. However, judicial decisions indicate that courts may be willing to take a progressive stance on this issue even if some of the nation's lawmakers are reluctant to do so.

Female fast food employees frequently harassed at work

Texans who work in fast food restaurants likely will not be surprised to learn that a large percentage of female workers in that sector experience workplace sexual harassment. A survey that was conducted of 1,217 female fast food workers age 16 and older revealed the extent of the problem.

Workplace discrimination in the tech industry

The tech world has a diversity problem, one that stretches beyond Silicon Valley to Texas and the rest of the United States. Despite assurances from tech industry leaders at Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and other industry leaders, diversity reports show little progress on the inclusive hiring front.

The importance of treating all Texas workers with respect

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there were nearly 27,000 disability discrimination claims brought to its attention in 2015, which represents 30 percent of all discrimination claims in that year. It also represents an increase of 12,000 cases since 2005. There are several reasons as to why that may be the case. First, it is possible that those with disabilities are less worried about making a claim.

The benefits of litigation financing for Texas employees

According to Burford Capital, litigation financing could be worth using in employment lawsuits. This involves a lender financing the cost of pursuing legal action in exchange for a percentage of any award received. It may be most beneficial for those who may not otherwise convince an attorney to take a case that could take a long time to resolve.

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